Ukrainian Yunis leads the league with16 and half wins from 17 matches.His compatriot Olek comes second with 11.5 from 13 matches.Croatian Mirko has 10 wins from 12.Sami from Iran has 7 wins from 11 games.Sami recently had a deserved victory over Olek.Paul is keeping the Tralee flag flying with 7 wins from 16.Youngster Theo from Dingle has been a surprise this season with 6 wins from 13.Syrian Ayman comes next with 5.5 points from 15 matches.Michael,an MTU student from Mullingar has 4.5 points from 10 games.Johnny from Tralee also has 4.5 points from 15 matches.Fellow Tralee player Brian has 4 points from 10 games.Another young player also proved that chess is just not a man’s game,with some great victories.Vicky from Bulgaria has 3 points from 12.Another local Kevin also has 3 points from 13.

Former League winner Dieter from Germany is just back after his Christmas break .He has 2 points from just 4 matches.Pat from Killorglin has played some fascinating matches and is unlucky to just have 1 victory from 9. Some players from the club travel to Listowel next Monday to play the north Kerry side in a return match.