While going to college is a very exciting time, it can also be daunting. Don’t worry, help is on hand. Cara Credit Union have partnered up with Mary Lucey, Education and Career Consultant and Founder of Career Ahead, to give you all the top tips to make sure you rock your college experience.
The ‘How to Rock your College Experience’ programme will be delivered to 6th year post-primary students in Tralee, Killorglin, Castleisland and Causeway in the coming weeks. This in-person session will cover topics such as, moving away from home, settling in to the new learning environment, how to cook on a budget, healthy relationships, personal safety, what to do if you picked the wrong course and money matters.
Speaking to Mary Lucey, Founder of Career Ahead; “Every year, 1 in 6 first year students drop out of their college course causing enormous personal, emotional, and financial upset for the student and their family. Together, Cara Credit Union and Career Ahead are taking positive actions to deal with this problem. ‘How to Rock your College Experience” will help students be more informed on a variety of relevant topics, resulting in a much smoother and more successful transition to college.” Siobhan Donnelly, Marketing & Development Manager Cara Credit Union, added; “Cara Credit Union is delighted to support this unique programme. We are constantly seeking out new ways to support college students. With the launch of a current account with a globally accepted Mastercard® debit card, students can access their Cara Credit Union account from anywhere in the world. The current account is free for students (T&Cs apply). Cara Credit Union also offer a great value student loan and 7 Education Awards to the value of €10,500.” Siobhan added; “ We are delighted with the uptake of this programme and I would like to thank our local schools for their ongoing support. “The ‘How to Rock your College Experience’ booklet is available to download on www.CaraCreditUnion.ie or pick one up in a Cara Credit Union Branch.