Terms and Conditions of the ‘Getting Back to Business’ Voucher
(GBTB Voucher) As introduced by The Tralee Advertiser in May 2020
In reference to Covid-19 Pandemic
- The GBTB voucher can be used only for adverts in The Tralee Advertiser
- The GBTB voucher is available to purchase until 30-6-2020
- The GBTB voucher value will be exactly double the original amount paid for it .
- The advertising rates applicable are as per The Tralee Advertiser website May 2020.
- GBTB vouchers can only form up to 75% of ads placed .(net of vat).The remaining balance (25% + vat ) to be paid by the business placing the adverts.
- The GBTB voucher is transferable to another business .
- A Business may use a portion of vouchers received to purchase adverts and defer the balance for future adverts
- The GBTB voucher is non-refundable .
- The Minimum purchase of a GBTB voucher is €10
- The Tralee Advertiser retains full discretion with regards to types of adverts placed in line with The Advertising Standards Authority Ireland guidelines .
Our rates for advertising are excellent and only a fraction of mainstream media .
But I would argue that we are more effective!