Fresh from his ‘Fair City ‘ slot last Sunday , well known Tralee actor , Tim Landers , is back with his Autumn schedule of acting classes for Adults …Tims drama group is called ACT UP DRAMA GROUP and his very popular Acting Classes for Adults continue every Monday night upstairs at The Abbey inn. Act Up Drama Group was formed in January of this year by Tim who has appeared in Game of Thrones, Killinascully, Ros na Run and of course Fair City where he has made a number of appearances as shady businessman Donncha O Riordan.
He brings a wealth of experience to these classes which take place every Monday.‘Act Up ‘ initially ran classes this year from January to May with a group of 15 dedicated actors and actresses. During that time the actors were taught stagecraft, character building, script analysis, Diction and vocal warm ups Improvisation, acting for cameraand audition techniques. There was a ‘basic‘ class for those who want this as a hobby, then an‘advanced class‘for those seeking professional work. The classes culminated in Act Ups first showcase “ Movie Monologues” in late May where the actors performed monologues from well known movies in front of an appreciative audience in The Abbey Inn.
This year the basic and advanced classes are combined into one class so it will cater for people with all levels of acting experience in a fun informal and friendly environment. This December there will be a showcase of all the actors work and also there will be a staging of a one act play and a short film written by Tim. So why not come and try out the classes for the winter , its only €5 per class which pays for the hire of the venue and refreshments. The next class is on Monday 25th September at 8pm . If you have ever wanted to try your hand acting, then this is for you!
For more info, you can reach Tim on 0834056829