THE Rose of Tralee International Festival has won an Accenture Digital Media Award – the Oscars of digital media in Ireland.
The ‘Access All Areas’ coverage of the 2015 Festival came out on top in the Best Use of Social Media Category ahead of major brands such as HB Ice Cream, Uncle Ben’s Ireland, Life Style Sports and Avonmore.
2015 Rose of Tralee Elysha Brennan was at the Double Tree by Hilton to accept the award along with Anna O’Donoghue, Will Nolan and John Drummey.
The Communications Manager of the Rose of Tralee International Festival, John Drummey, said: “Reaching our audience through Social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, Periscope and Instagram is a key part of our promotional activity. Social Media Manager, Rebecca Kemp and volunteers, Anna O’Donoghue and Will Nolan deserve huge praise and credit for helping the Festival to embrace new media. To win such a prestigious award while being in the company of large advertising firms in the same category is a testament to the success of the Rose of Tralee International Festival and our dedicated team of volunteers.”
The extended 2016 Rose of Tralee International Festival will take place from Wednesday 17th to Tuesday 23rd August in Tralee.
For details on how to become the next Rose of Tralee or to visit this year’s Festival, go to, Facebook or @RoseofTralee_ on Twitter.