Centre Manager of the Aqua Dome Mags O’Sullivan was delighted to be presented with an Outstanding Achievement Award 2019 and a Certificate of Recognition at An Taisce Climate Ambassador Awards 2019 in Dublin this week. Mags participated in the An Taisce Climate Ambassador programme throughout 2019 and together with management and staff in the Aqua Dome worked tirelessly to make positive environmental changes to help reduce the Aqua Domes carbon footprint and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. Mags said that ‘businesses have an important role to play in climate change and it’s a role that the team at Tralee’s Aqua Dome takes very seriously’.
Following on from the National Dialogue on Climate Action in The Rose Hotel last year Mags signed up to be a Climate Ambassador. “The Climate Ambassador Programme” is sponsored by the department of ‘Communications, Climate Action and Environment’ and is a vital programme to help raise awareness about climate change and how individuals, communities and business can help. Minister Richard Bruton attended the awards and commended the enthusiasm, dedication and commitment of all the Climate Ambassadors who worked tirelessly throughout the year to engage their local communities to take action on climate. Over the course of the year, Climate Ambassadors engaged over 200,000 people; carrying out 500 climate-based actions, and 800 climate communications!
In January this year, Mags along with her Aqua Dome team set about analysing all areas of operations that had potential to be greener and together they set about making positive environmental changes. These positive changes have been showcased in their environmental videos and blogs posts and shared across all their social media channels.As one of Kerrys Top Visitor Attractions, the Aqua Dome hopes to encourage and inspire other individuals & businesses to take an active role in becoming greener and do whatever it takes to reduce the national carbon footprint, minimise plastic pollution and reduce water wastage.
The Aqua Dome is committed to sharing their environmental progress with the general public and are leading by example by sharing all their positive changes on their environmental blog and social media platforms – https://aquadome.ie/category/news/environmental/ . This pro-active attitude towards the environment is just one of the ways in which the Aqua Dome is making a difference locally.
Staff at the Aqua Dome also work closely with Tralee Chamber Alliance, Kerry County Council, North Kerry Family Fun, Top Kerry Attractions, other tourism providers, accommodation providers and a variety of other businesses supporting green initiatives, sustainability and positive environmental change wherever possible.
Other local groups who work tirelessly to protect the environment and wildlife in Tralee are GLAN Tralee, Team Bramble, Evan Alex and Dylan’s Tralee Canal Clean-Up, Tralee Tidy Towns, Transition Kerry, Tralee Bee Highway Kerry CAN, Tralee PPN & Kerry Sustainable Energy Co Op. As a town Tralee is striving to be greener and more sustainable! Every little step made for the environment is one giant leap for the planet! By working together we are making a difference!