Academic achievement and personal success was celebrated at the Kerry College of Further Education (KCFE) Graduation Ceremony at the Brandon Conference Centre, Tralee on Friday 31st August. An annual highlight in the college calendar, with over 800 in attendance, the event marked a milestone moment for graduates.
Students were conferred with QQI awards – both nationally and internationally recognised in Beauty; Business and Technology; Creative Arts; Childcare; Construction and Engineering; Humanities and Health Care; Science; Sports and Nutrition; and Tourism and Hospitality were presented. This year saw the first cohort of graduates in a number of new programmes offered in the 2017/18 academic year: including Tourism with Business, Music Technology and Music Production; Applied Science; Food Nutrition and Science and Advanced Art, Craft and Design. From this September, Kerry College of Further Education (IKCFE) is again expanding its range of courses on offer. With the new Denny Street Campus opening for over 200 students this September, it is easy to see why the college is rapidly becoming the “First Choice” for school leavers and mature students.
The impact further education had on graduates was shared all evening with stories of successful outcomes being achieved through employment or progression to their desired third level course. In particular, representing mature students Gary Hewitt told a captivated audience of how his passion for learning was ignited and grew at Kerry College of Further Education (KCFE). Erin Rowan shared her story of how as a leaving certificate student, joining further education allowed her to secure her dream third level programme.
Guest of Honour was this year’s Carlow Rose Shauna Ray Lacey who made an inspirational contribution about how everybody has a choice in life and how important it is to make the right choices. Principal of Kerry College of Further Education (KCFE), Mary Lucey, acknowledged the strong work ethos of the graduates without which they could not have achieved what they did. She also acknowledged the support each graduate received from their families and the college staff which helped them as they made their journey towards success. Cllr Terry O’Brien wished all the graduates well in their future endeavours. Director of Further Education and Training with Kerry ETB, Owen O’Donnell, gave his insight into the value of further education in the lives of young people. He spoke about the growth in demand for further education programmes which has now resulted in the establishment of a second campus in Tralee town centre. Exciting times ahead for Kerry College of Further Education (KCFE). For information: call 066-7121741/email or