As Freshers descended on IT Tralees Campus , the team at Bank Of Ireland were there to greet them with some fantastic offers and giveaways to help settle them into College life …According to Eileen Mc Namara , “any Student who opens or upgrades to a new 3rd. Level Account by 14th. October, will get free day to day banking transactions, and this account also provides students with €100 worth of free rewards throughout the academic year when the account is used in simple ways. and we are getting a great response from Students who also receive an exclusive BOI Branded PowerBank worth €25…..worth its weight in Gold , they tell me “ says Eileen
“This offer really proved very popular last year and is continuing here in It Tralee; BOI Tralee have opened over 200 new 3rd. level Accounts so far this week, again proving the popularity of the “FeelFeee” Rewards package.”
For more details, and information on other financial solutions for students and parents, call into Eileen in ITT Campus or to Castle Street.