The Irish Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day takes place this year on the Friday 22nd March 2019.
Daffodil Day is the biggest and longest running fundraising day for the Irish Cancer Society and is celebrating its 32st anniversary this year.
On Daffodil Day thousands of volunteers around Ireland sell daffodil pins and flowers to raise money for the Society’s free, nationwide services for those with, and affected by, cancer in Ireland.
Why should you support Daffodil Day?
Every single euro donated during Daffodil Day makes a difference to people with cancer and their families throughout Ireland.
A vital part of the work of the Irish Cancer Society involves helping those at the end of their cancer journey to die in their own home, surrounded by those who love them.
This service is carried out by our Night Nurses who provide excellent care in the patients’ home, giving them comfort, familiarity and dignity in the last nights of their life.
On average in Kerry, 75 to 80 families availed of the Daffodil Nursing services each year, this represented 400 to 450 nights of care at a cost of €150,000.
The Irish Cancer Society is the only organisation which provides this service and receives no government funding.
To provide this essential service, and many more cancer support services, the Irish Cancer Society relies entirely on the generosity of their supporters.
If any School/Group are interested in running a fundraiser for Daffodil Day, or if anyone would like to volunteer on the day please make contact with any of the following :Edward O’Connor at 087-7794765 : Kathleen Curtin at 087 – 9305777 who would be delighted to hear from you and assist you.
Please come out and support this very worthy cause on March 22rd this year. Let’s celebrate the 32nd anniversary in style and turn Tralee Daffodil Yellow.